Attorney Krone from Hann. Münden is always happy to help you with your problems in the area of hunting law.
The complex legal area of hunting law in the broader sense not only includes all questions of weapons law or hunting law, but also extends, among other things, to questions of contract law, criminal law and corporate law.The laws, standards and statutes on which essential legal questions are assessed are just as diverse.
Services provided by the Krone law firm:
• Hunting law, in particular the right to practice hunting and claims derived from it
• Drafting and reviewing hunting lease agreements; hunting lease reductions; Negotiations between hunting tenants and hunting cooperatives (including mediation)
• Advice and representation (in and out of court) of hunting cooperatives with regard to disruptions in legal relationships with hunting tenants, in particular with regard to extraordinary termination of the hunting lease agreement
• Legal questions relating to the hunting license and WBK (issuance, extension, revocation, revocation and confiscation, etc.)
• Game and hunting damage matters
• Criminal and administrative offenses in connection with hunting
• Questions of liability, compensation and compensation for pain and suffering
• Gun law problems
• Building law issues in connection with hunting (e.g. permissibility of building hunting lodges in outdoor areas)
If you have problems in one of the above-mentioned areas, you can contact Mr Krone in Hann at any time. Münden turn.
If you have any problems relating to damage caused by wild animals, Mr Krone will of course also carry out on-site visits to your area in order to settle your damage in the best possible way for you.