On this page you will find some useful documents that will help you and us to deal with your legal concerns quickly.For example, we have attached our power of attorney certificate for you to print out yourself so that you can also commission us if you are unable to keep an appointment with us. If you do not want to commission us directly in our offices but rather via the Internet, you must contact us in addition to the general one Power of attorney
and the Data master sheet for non-commercial clients
whatever it is Right of withdrawal
Fill it out and send it signed. We thank you for that.
General power of attorney
In most cases we cannot help you without a written power of attorney.
Power of attorney
In most cases we cannot help without a written power of attorney.
Instructions about legal fees
With this document we inform you as a consumer transparently about the costs of our activities.
Instructions on legal costs
With this document we inform you about our legal fees when acting as consumer.
Cancellation policy with sample cancellation form
All consumers who want to commission us online must also use this document.
Notice of cancellation with sample withdrawal
We kindly ask private clients to use this document when engaging us online.
Data master sheet for non-commercial mandates
With this document you will make it easier for us to collect the necessary data.
Master data sheet for non-commercial mandates
With this document you help us facilitate the required data collection.
Data master sheet for commercial mandates
We ask corporate customers to use this document.
Master data sheet for commercial mandates
We kindly ask commercial clients to use this document.
Application for advice with tips
You need this form to apply for advisory assistance. With this you only have to pay an amount of €15.00 for our out-of-court activities, instead of much higher fees.
Application form for legal aid with notes
This document is needed to obtain legal aid. When legal aid is approved, you only have to pay EUR 15.00 for our services as long as the case is not at court.
Application for legal aid
Good legal advice and representation is not a question of money. You can use this document to apply for legal aid for many court proceedings.
Application form for legal aid at court
Good legal advice and representation is no question of money. Many cases at court can be conducted via legal aid.
Information sheet for legal aid application
This document will help you fill out the PKH application.